Saturday, July 21, 2012

Steak Marinade

I like to cook. So here's something you could also try.
Steak Marinade:

Steak seasoning juice:
Low sodium or No sodium soy sauce
Onion and garlic POWDER
Ground Ginger
and possibly salt but only if want to as it can become salty real quick!!

Other components:
Horseradish Mustard- just some cheap store brand unless you want that Horsyness
Heinz 57
and Honey (is for a bit of sweet but really to help combat the saltiness)

A bit of water

OK. Put all this in a container where you can lay your steaks down flat and won't be completely covered with Marinade. Mix the ingredients with spoon before laying steaks in marinade.

Let steak soak up all the goodness. I kept mine marinading for about 12 hours but that's only because I made it at 10pm and then didn't cook it till about noon the next day. But of course you can soak steaks for no less than 2 hours to 12. Grill, bake, broil, cook however.


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